Owning a blog is easy, but keeping readers interested in it is not! In order to have a large and dedicated following, you have to make sure you’re posting the right type of content. In addition to this, you need to make sure you’re avoiding certain mistakes that can end up harming you in the long run. Below you’ll find some great tips and advice about making your blog exciting, interesting and intriguing for readers from all over!


Comments are essential for blogs to have, or else you really aren’t going to gain any popularity. While spam might be annoying, there are ways you can control it. Don’t ever turn off the comments to your blog or you’ll find that you lose subscribers quickly. Also make sure you are responding to comments, especially those with questions about your posts.

2. Know Your Audience

Your audience is going to be interested in certain things and not others. For example, if you have a DIY home blog, your readers probably won’t want to know about your latest investment strategy. Also, use Google Analytics to determine where your readers are that. That way you can target their areas and make them feel special! Knowing your readers is going to make sure you keep readers and attract new ones.

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3. Host Contests

There’s no better way to get comments, shares and subscribers than by posting contests regularly. When you start with these you can give away inexpensive things that you like that are themed with your blog. Once your blog starts to get popular, you may be able to get promotional products from companies that want you to post a review of their products on your blog. This can even results in getting free products to give out to readers for contests, which means you get to host a contest for free! There are a lot of possibilities so you can definitely have fun with this.

4. Format Posts

You must format your posts so that they are easy to read for all visitors. If you don’t do this, then your blog post is not going to look aesthetically pleasing to anyone. Once you learn the basics of formatting it will be a lot easier for you to do this regularly and in a way that looks really great.

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  5. Add Your Info


As your blog becomes more popular, people will want to know things about you. While you don’t have to give away your home address, you should talk about things like what you do for a living, info about your family, things you like to do and more. Some bloggers also have P.O. boxes where fans and readers can send things, but this is optional and up to you. The main benefit of a P.O. box is being able to feature on your blog things that people send you, which will make it more personal and fun for people to read.

All of these things can make your blog more exciting and interesting for readers, and can even attract new ones. If you’re interested in making your blog better, then use these tips and work hard!

Read more: 7 Best Ways To Make Your Blog Popular