A Blog, the most popular “Work From Home” job for people in today’s scenario.Its like,you are free from office today so write an article on any topic of your choice,or if you are eager to make your views and suggestions public,write an article ,if you are interested in writing on anything you feel will be of use to the readers ,write an article. And yes,if you are willing to learn and earn by this new  media concept,come write an ARTICLE.

So, following are some tips at your service to be a good writer and enjoy a good response from your readers:

#Be A Good Reader

Yes,only reading as much as you can perfects you at the first step. Reading, makes you understand how a writer/author delivers the message he wants to deliver without going off-track. A much of reading to begin with makes you aware of different writing styles. One who doesn’t read cannot make his/her article worth reading.And it has one more advantage ,that you get to know what you like to read about more.

#Have Your Own Opinion On Every Topic

Your opinion marks your identity from rest of the crowd.Your opinion reflects in whatever you speak and write. Get the concept clear before coming to a viewpoint. As you are reader you can express your views/opinion through comment and be different from other.

#Write It Down

Yes,it’s the time you pen down yourself in words. Write write and write works just like”Practice Makes One Perfect”. Here your reading skill serves you with ideas of writing. And having your opinion gives your content an identity. First few drafts will not satisfy you,that is why more and more writing is suggested for you to arrive at something that satisfies you,that is clear with your message.

*Make sure, you are focused with the topic chosen* in your final draft.

#Have A Check On Your Grammar

Those basics of English will add value to your blog. The blog or an article should be grammatically correct because if it’s not in tune with correct grammar,then your opinion in the article holds no value.Your language carries your opinion,it can drop it down or it can take it far.It depends totally on your language.

*Good knowledge of vocabulary gives one’s article an edge over the others*

#Original Vs Ordinary

For writing a blog,research is required from already existing blogs.The originality in content means originality in your writing style. Your way of expressing is totally different from any other person,so express yourself in relevance to the content. It can grab readers more than the one who has already written an article on the same topic.

Whereas,the ordinary content,which is generally derived from copying and pasting from other sources is of no use Because:

a)It is giving no extraordinary information,a different angle to the reader,letting down your ratings.
b)It is wasting time of the readers.
c)You are wasting your time.

#Target Audience

This is another important thing to keep in mind before final delivery.The set of masses you will be dealing decides your fate. Your vocabulary and language should be flexible enough to change according to your audience. See what your audience like and provide article according to it. As you are getting high reviews in blogging tips then write article on that topic.


